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Photo by Helena Lopes on

I’ve started listening to a podcast meant for Al-Anon members.  It’s called “The Recovery Show” and I found it on Google Play Music App.

I think Al-Anon is for people who have loved ones who are alcoholics.  As far as I know, none of my loved-ones are alcoholics.  Yet I feel like the people talking on this podcast are “my people.”  I get what they are talking about, at least the amount they share.  In their commitment to protecting anonymity, they sometimes speak with jargon that shows members have developed a language of their micro-culture.  I understand the jargon but I’m not sure I perceive all the connotations or implications.

Regardless, it’s clear to me that I need a support group that would help me focus on what I can do to promote my own health.  I have an ASCA group (although I haven’t attended in a while), and I think they are a good fit for me.  Yet, what I am attracted to in some of these other 12-step derivative groups is that they have a more developed history and practice of steps and sponsors.  I think the main point here is that I’m noticing I want to address whatever co-dependency I have developed.

Maybe I can do all that I want or need in my ASCA group and I just need to initiate or articulate more precisely what I currently need or want.  Maybe my not finding what I need in the ASCA group is a characteristic of myself rather than the group.  Or maybe not finding ALL that I feel I need is part of my own avoidance of utilizing or engaging with what IS available.

Hmm… those maybes are probably good insights for me to ponder!

Meanwhile, I’m very grateful for this podcast.  In case you, dear reader, might benefit from it also, here’s a link to their website where you can find the podcast plus other resources:

The Recovery Show website.

The peeps on the podcast often end with this lovely blessing:

“May understanding, love, and peace grow in you one day at a time.”

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